The intelligent mouthguard surveillance system

The Benefits of PROTECHT to Athletes

The PROTECHT System’s fundamental aim is to help make the game safer

Benefits to Athletes

  • Mitigate injury risk in training By their nature, contact sports will often involve strikes to head. By understanding the normal level of head loadings in training or competitive session, through use of the PROTECHT system, we can better prepare athletes to lessen the risk of injury
  • Prime athletes for performance Through understanding the level and nature of contact experienced in a training or competitive session we can assess whether athletes have had enough contact in a given week or other period of preparation to ensure readiness whilst not overloading so that they are not fatigued and ultimately at greater risk of injury.
  • Improve performance The system can help identify opportunities for athlete development and maintenance of optimum performance and for longer. For example through a different strength training programme to increase endurance to contact or using the data to identify previously unseen weaknesses which can be improved through technique changes or such like. This will ultimately make strengths repeatable and highlight weaknesses to address with information about how to do this.
  • Better acclimatization to new competition demands Through understanding of the contact demands of a competitive event, PROTECHT can help guide a safer shift in match day intensity such as if often experienced when moving from club to country or in international competition.
  • Safer return to contact Through understanding of the contact demands of competition, PROTECHT can help guide a safer return to contact (following any amount of time away from competitive training).

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